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The Church Saint-Jean-Baptiste Chartres-Rechèvres

Saint-Jean-Baptiste Chartres-RechèvresOn 24th September 1961 the newly built church Saint-Jean-Baptiste was consecrated in the section Rechèvres of Chartres. Two years later on the corpse of Abbé Stock was moved to this church.

Exhumation was carried out June 13, 1963 at the cemetery Thiais in Paris. The burial ceremonies took place on 13th and 16th of June in Chartres. Exactly in between these dates, on June 14, approval was given by the Assemblée Nationale - French National Council, for the friendship agreement, often also called Elysée Contract, as signed by de Gaulle and Adenauer January 22, 1963.


Saint-Jean-Baptiste Chartres-Rechèvres Grabstätte von Franz Stock

During the celebration in the open air, in front of the church, which was named „Place Abbé Stock“ the French minister Edmond Michelet emphasized in his address: „Quelle émouvante coincidence! – What an emotionally touching meeting! Nobody can pass by indifferently of the fact, that God has decreed it in such a way, that this German-French meeting is taking place only a few days after approval of the reconciliation contract by the French parliament”.

Reconciliation was already outwardly visible owing to the abundant flag embellishment on the outside entry area, where the tricolor was blowing at the side of the black-red-golden banner. When both National hymns were played said a woman-doctor from the little village Allagen near Soest, standing next to me: „This is a historic hour”. And Abbé Closset remarked in his book „l’Aumônier de l’Enfer“ (The priest in the hell): „Prelate Stehlin (director of the Caritas in Freiburg/Breisgau) was right, when reacting spontaneously: ‘here will be history’.

Exactly during these days pope John XXIII was buried. The Papal blessings from the Vatican for this festival hour held the signature of a person no longer living. On the deathbed, Pope John XXIII signed the telegram for these ceremonies – like a last will and testament.

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