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Franz Stock - a video portrait

Videoportrait2012bFranz Stock - a video portrait (18 min.) This video will give the viewer an overview of both Franz Stock's life, as well as of his peace aiming actions.


In June 2013 the Franz Stock Committee commissioned Hans Peylo of Mondo-TV Production, Münster, to put together a video portrait in  English of Franz Stock. Peylo, who was already familiar with Franz Stock's story, has previously produced various documentaries about him for the German TV stations of Südwestfunk and Deutsche Welle. This new video will give the viewer an overview of both Franz Stock's life, as well as of his peace aiming actions. The video also contains music sequences from the oratory "VIDEO PACEM" composed by Hartwig Diehl on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Franz Stock's death. Primarily made for the internet it can also be used for presentations, educational purposes and exhibitions.

The TV documentaries which have previously been produced, although very comprehensive, are unfortunately no longer available. Thus, in addition to the large collection of texts and pictures already available on their homepage, it was important for the Franz-Stock-Committee to also offer this video for interested viewers. The video can be downloaded from the internet for free. Should you require a better quality video for educational purposes, presentations, etc. please contact us.


  • Wolfgang Dörre, Member of the Board of St. Mary’s Parish of English Speaking Catholics at Liederbach near Frankfurt /M.
  • Loreen Bemb, American born, pastoral assistant of St. Mary’s as well as St. Leonhard’s Parishes of English Speaking Catholics at Liederbach and Frankfurt / M

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